Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Night Time Photography

Things I would change: 1.Take the photo from a different angle so as not to get so much of the fore ground.  2. Be more aware of where the light would shine through due to the boy on the left.  3. Possibly paint the boys brighter with my flash gun, I did this but not enough.
Photo was taken in front of the Progress Energy plant in Asheville, NC in June.

Monday, June 27, 2011

In the Spotlight

Found a tiny bit of sunlight shining in through a small window in an abandoned garage. Told Zac to stand in it. The surroundings were a little creepy but the child innocent.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Shadow and Light

Two tea house shots.  I LOVED the shadows and available light in this place.  It made darker images, but I love the splashes of light and colour.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tea House (Shadow 4)

I'm continuing my focus on shadows.  I recently went to a tea house here in Asheville, and the lighting was wonderful for shadows.  There will be two from this photo shoot.   This was where I was sitting, and I realized where the little bit of light was hitting me... so I asked my oldest son to sit there and tilt his head up, allowing the light to hit his eyes. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shadow Three

The shadows are what make this photograph for sure!  I was excited when I saw this plant, and once I realized it was back lit I got even more excited because I knew the shadows were going to be killer. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Focusing on the Shadows for a while...2nd in a series

I think this photo is once again made by the shadows, I exposed it so the background would be dark and only the upper body and guitar would be lit. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For the shadows.

I think the shadows are what make this photo interesting.  I love the flower but if it were not for the rest of the photo being dark, the photo would not be as effective. I also enjoy that the buttercup flower is tattered rather then in great condition...makes it more beautiful I think.